Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Let Them Eat Cake

Do you remember how cakes used to be? I recall birthday cakes that had a single decoration, usually bought at a store somewhere, and that decoration sat in the middle of the cake. The decoration was usually surrounded by candles and the words "Happy Birthday" spelled out in frosting or that jelly stuff used for words. That was it. That was pretty much every cake.

That was yesterday's cake and it is so gone. Cakes today are infinitely different and infinitely varied. Basically, if it exists, it can be made into a cake! Each cake being more awesome than the last and the creativity knows no bounds. 

If you have a cake that you are really proud of, send us a picture and we will post it on our Princess of Party blog. 

If your cake is selected as the most creative, we will send you a lovely pink clutch purse courtesy of our sponsor Beetle Bugs Sales. The contest ends June 30th. You can attach your picture to the comments section on this blog or email the picture to customerservice@beetlebugs.net 

Send your picture in - what have you got to lose? If you are selected, you will be notified and the lovely pink clutch will be shipped to you FREE. Good luck!

If you are looking for inspiration, here are a few cakes that really stand out.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

I Want Candy!

Yes, we all know that candy is not the healthiest choice for kids, but oh boy! does it ever look cute as party theme! It is showing up everywhere as a party theme and creative juices are flowing...flowing like streams of caramel! 
Consider this...just because your theme is Candy Land does not mean that you'll have dozens of little ones running around in a sugar rush craze. If you plan your party properly (say that 3 times quickly), you can rest assured that candy chaos can be controlled (say that 3 times quickly).

How, you ask? just make sure you have all sorts of candy theme games (without actual candy involved) in areas away from your beautiful candy theme table set-up. Besides the obvious (Candy Land game) you can include twister (call the dots gumballs), you can create a pin the lollipop on the child's mouth game (easy to create), candy-striped hula hoop contests, a craft using plastic beads shaped like candy, and anything else you creative ladies out there can imagine. Don't forget to visit your local dollar store for "things" that look like candy but are not actually candy.

So when is it safe to release the candy? Your best bet is to hold off on the candy until the very end. Create beautiful party favor gift totes and the kids can load them up with candy to take home. The candies are the party favors and the moms can monitor the candy distribution at home on their terms.

But are candy theme parties only for kids? heck no! This lovely candy theme is awesome for baby showers and bridal showers too! It is so darn cute that candy loving moms to be or brides to be can appreciate the beauty of sugar skillfully shaped into yumminess!

Enjoy the yumminess! Visit my pinterest YUMMINESS board and my BEETLE BUGS website for all sorts of yummy gifts and yummy ideas. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pretty in Pink Parties

Parties that bloom in Pink!

Whether your party is put together for your little girl or for the little girl in you...Pink blooms this summer!